Connect is a multi-academy trust (MAT) that runs as a charitable company for the benefit of our member schools. Our governance structure is designed to deliver leadership and effective management across our group.
The governance of Connect works by integrating a number of individuals with specific roles and responsibilities. Our members are the overall guardians of the trust, ensuring that Connect runs efficiently and meets the obligations of its charitable status.
Sitting below this, our Board of Trustees run the day-to-day business of the Trust, taking charge of areas such as finance, legal compliance and overall strategic direction. They interact with our senior leadership team, which includes the headteachers of our schools. The outcome of this web of governance is a high standard of operation across our family of schools. Each of our schools have a local governing body (LGB) which provide support and challenge to each school. The LGBs are a committee of the Board of Trustees.
Our Trustees
Ian Mitchell
Chair of Trustees
Paul Osborne
Vice Chair of Trustees
Giles Freathy
Lee LeMarquand
Sam Jones
Stuart Bellworthy
CEO & Trust Leader
Tamsin Lamb
Kate Reeves
April Hopkins
Hanne Knight
All Trustees and members are appointed in accordance with the Trust's articles
If you need more information, please contact us.