empowered pupils in this school

rated in their last Ofsted inspection

the year they joined Connect Academy Trust

inspection from Ofsted
"As parents we are really pleased that our child has a solid understanding of core values and is praised for being a good person, as well as performing academically. He feels happy and comfortable, and as a result is excelling."
"I had such a lovely and positive experience! The staff members were very friendly and helpful, they gave up a lot of their time to speak with me and gave me lots of useful information. This was really appreciated and meant we could speak to ensure that we have a good action plan in place."
"The 'real test' of life at Eden Park is how it prepares children for 'real life'. Seeing my eldest daughter transition to secondary school has shown me what a fantastic primary education she has received and how it has prepared her successfully for the next stage of her academic career. From the nursery building blocks, through to Year 6 during a global pandemic, Eden Park has been full of wonderful experiences and opportunities."
Recent school awards

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