School Improvement Strategy.
We believe that every school, regardless of their situation, has practice to share. All schools within the Trust can be ‘Capacity Givers’; and ‘Capacity Takers’ over a period of time. There is a commitment and willingness from all schools to both offer and receive support. We believe that secure, sustainable improvement takes time and change needs to be prioritised by both school and Trust leaders.
Effective school improvement involves building an ambitious culture, capacity and high-quality leadership across the school. There is a range of School Improvement monitoring and evaluation tasks that take place in all schools, which provide up to date information. School Improvement processes are planned on an annual basis depending on the phase within which each school is working.
The phases are defined as the Sustain, Develop, Repair or the Stabilise phase, with a ‘best fit’ profile. These are based on the nationally recognised model from Sir David Carter describing School Improvement Trajectories. The Trust is committed to School Improvement by ensuring a fulltime School Improvement Lead is employed to focus solely on school improvement and leadership development, providing a core offer for all Trust schools and providing additional personalised support appropriate to individual school and staff as required.
See our full document for more details.