Thank you to the PTA who organised a Name the Teddy competition last term, with all proceeds going towards resources and equipment for the school. The lucky winners were delighted to receive their prizes in assembly this week.
Eden Park Primary School
Well done to Arlo and George who have been raising money for their rugby team tour, superbly demonstrating their school values. The boys have been selling cakes and participated in sponsored litter picking on a walk from Paignton to Brixham. So far they have fundraised over £2000!
Eggbuckland Vale Primary School
Years 3-6 enjoyed the first session of their new running club. The children completed laps of the site and showed fantastic resilience, one of the school's five core values.
Leigham Primary School
Well done to the recent Class Charter Champions, who were rewarded with squash, hot chocolate and biscuits for their hard work, organisation and kindness.
Manadon Vale Primary School
Year 5 have been programming Micro:bits with different algorithms to create a variety of LED displays. The children picked up the technique quickly and we were very impressed with their enthusiasm.
Preston Primary School
The Reception classes have been learning about independence and why it is important. The younger children were supported by the KS2 Digital Leaders, who helped them to use the iPads to take photos and record themselves explaining how they can be independent.
Thornbury Primary School
Years 5/6 have been looking at sculptures for their Art topic, exploring Mayan artefacts and ceramic tiles. We look forward to seeing their own creations in the next few weeks.