The Connected Blog 29.04.2024
Connect News
Apr 29, 2024

The Connected Blog 29.04.2024

Stay connected with a round-up of recent events and news from schools in the Connect family.

Eden Park Primary School

As part of their Get Set Grow topic and to celebrate World Earth Day, the Reception classes have been planting sunflower seeds and creating salt paintings of planet earth. The children are excited to see the growth of their sunflowers over the next few weeks.

Year 4 at Eden Park Primary and Nursery School recently ventured to Dewerstone on Dartmoor for their residential. For some of the children, this was their first experience of being away overnight from their families, but They thoroughly enjoyed the adventure and were busy making lots of wonderful memories.

Manadon Vale Primary School

The school received a visit from local author, Talula Grey, who writes books based on her experiences in a military family. She spent some time with the military children and discussed the unique challenges that they face, and how reading can provide comfort and understanding.

Well done to Class 2C for being the attendance winners with the highest average attendance last term. The children enjoyed a reward party where they took part in fun activities and wore non-uniform.  

Preston Primary School

The Reception classes have discovered a mysterious egg in the school grounds! The children have been investigating where the egg could have come from, and researching which animals lay eggs. Pupils will be spending some time looking after and monitoring the egg, and look forward to sharing updates soon!

The Playground Leaders have been doing some training with Mr Julyan from Paignton Academy. They learnt new games to demonstrate to the other children at play times, and worked on strategies to support them in managing the activities they run.

Thornbury Primary School

Year 4 welcomed two Plymouth University students in to teach the children some different sounds in French. The children showed excellent listening skills and enjoyed sharing ideas.

Years 1/2 have been using their geographic skills to create a map and key of our school grounds. They used their prior knowledge to identify human and physical features, then worked together to create their own symbols to show different areas on the map.