The Connected Blog 25.11.2024
Connect News
Nov 25, 2024

The Connected Blog 25.11.2024

Stay connected with a round-up of recent events and news from schools in the Connect family.

Cockington Primary School

Year 3 parents and carers were invited into school for the first Rock Up & Read session There was a fantastic turnout and the children and adults loved sharing stories with a cuddly toy.

Eden Park Primary School

Frogs Nursery have been working on early ICT skills, including programming Beebots. The children enjoyed the challenge of moving the Beebot from one area to another using trial and error methods.

Eggbuckland Vale Primary School

Year 6 visited Plymouth University for a Geology workshop, which explored fossils, dinosaur teeth, minerals and microscopes. The children were fantastic in demonstrating their understanding of evolution, classification and adaptation for the activities.

Leigham Primary School

Year 2 explored the properties of different materials for their science topic. The children carried out various experiments to investigate which materials would float and sink.

Manadon Vale Primary School

Year 3 created animations using iMotion for their Computing lessons. iMotion involves moving and photographing objects one frame at a time, resulting in the images appearing to move once all the frames are put together.

Preston Primary School

As part of their learning related to the recent Anti-Bullying Week, the children reflected on the importance of respect. They have been practicing using kind words, kind hands, listening to each other and playing fairly at breaktimes.

Thornbury Primary School

The Reception class have been reading the traditional tale The Little Red Hen. The children loved baking bread just like the hen in the story.

Widey Court Primary School

Children from across the school took part in workshops and activities related to Anti-Bullying Week. The learning focused on how we can actively choose respect, and what we can do to stop bullying.